Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tai Chi

Six mornings a week, at 6:00 a.m., Sister Liston and I participate in an informal, but very well organized Tai Chi exercise group. The group just had their ten year anniversary.  Several weeks ago, during our morning walk we ran onto this group and asked if we could join them.  They readily accepted their new American friends and have been so very cordial to have us involved with them.  They are a Christian group of friends who start with prayer each morning exercise, turn on the CD player with beautiful Chinese and Polynesian music.  Of course, there are no words we understand, but the music is very memorable.  Learning all the hand, arm, feet, leg, and body moves is not easy for me.  These people are so graceful, and all of them not what move comes with each part of the music.  But, we are both learning and getting better. 

The photo below shows the small "strip park which extends about six blocks centered between two streets.  People walk, exercise, sell their wares, and generally congregate in this green space set aside in a very busy, noisy city.  We certainly enjoy their friendship and the chance to stretch our ability to communicate with them.

This is one more example of how kind and accepting the Chinese people are to us as strangers and Americans.  We want to set a good example as Americans, but especially as representatives of Jesus Christ, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

1 comment:

  1. That's crazy they do that right out in the open. I'm sure glad you're trying to keep up that figure Ron! lol
    Love you!
